Stop Saying SORRY

SORRY image

Stop saying ‘SORRY’!

Follow my SSS theory….

Sorry is not only the most spoken word but the most damaging word in the world. It damages no one but the person who is habituated to use (read misuse) it. Stop saying sorry! Stop living on sorry!

Few examples can give better clarity.

When you are late for a meeting, usually some people are chronic and look like they have never heard that they are spoiling others’ time and it is shameful. If you are one of them do not say sorry. This sorry satisfies you and helps you not to change. You may often notice that it is a habit of senior managers, not because they are most busy but because many of them lack basic training.

When you are in a virtual meeting try to get a good place and a strong Wifi signal so others do not get disturbed. If you are not following it, and irritate others never say sorry. Some humiliation can help you next time to be more sincere. Commit that you should be smarter next time and not irritate others.

On the contrary, if the disturbance is not very loud and comes from children (as work from home becomes a part of life), like their smile, giggling or calling someone or school homework, do not say sorry. Everyone is not fortunate enough to have a separate room, as well as their earning may not support it. Children have the top priority in the world and rest can be managed without destroying their natural behavior.

Sad face

When your body nudges someone unintentionally on your way you should not say sorry and keep walking or working. With sorry you must stop, show some polite gesture and if required help him/her to overcome the trouble. Accept the fault even if it is not your fault.

If someone asks for some help from you never say sorry. In such cases it is impolite or can be arrogance depends how you say this. Rather explain in brief why you can not do or can not help at this moment.

I know you may not agree with all these. In fact, I am writing it in a lighter mood to say that ‘sorry’ is most precious and do not misuse it. One should use it when it is obvious and should not live with sorry. I am not sorry if you disagree, but I am sure you shall remember it and follow it.

Say sorry, surely, if you mean it keeping a smile or empathy, whatever is appropriate as per the situation.

Can add more situations in the comment box which I may add in the article.


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