It’s important to develop SALES SKILLs & NEGOTIATION SKILLS To be Successful in Sales & Marketing Profession
Explained critical theories, rules and processes in a simple and storytelling format.
Unless you are an expert of Negotiation, your sales skill can not give the desired result.
First, make your mindset that you are serious about learning SKILLS and ready to spend time. Then only you can learn skills. - Sachin Tendulkar


I am posting articles serially starting from Sales fundamentals to the latest selling and marketing strategies that include digital marketing, social media marketing etc. The reader should read serially and should not jump, to understand well and make the skillsets strong. If so start from the bottom of this page or the bottom of the Blog Page. - Subrata Halder, Author & Developer of this blog site.

Focus Banned

Focus Banned !

Explaining two most misused and overused words that make no sense in a sales/ Business meeting and what can be the right way to involve all minds

Efficiency Simplified

Efficiency Simplified

A classic example defines the efficiency and how it can be achieved.

Digital Marketing part 1

Digital Marketing Part-1

Make your concept clear first. Then learn different techniques of digital marketing to make your foundation strong and then can learn specific techniques in depth. Here or elsewhere.

SORRY image

Stop saying ‘SORRY’!

Do you feel it is a good gesture? Answer is, Yes & No!
Sorry is not only the most spoken word but the most damaging word in the world. Read this article to find why.

Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla Marketing

Interesting marketing strategy. Read it !

Calendar 2024

Make Your Own Calendar 2024

Purpose- Develop your soft skills and enjoy doing creative things. Learn when you enjoy. SPEND JUST 15 MIN.
Read it....Try can do it on your own...for your!

Marketing billboard

Marketing Techniques -
Part 2

Several Marketing Techniques are describes in this article.

Marketing pic of freepik

What Is Marketing ?
Part -1

Everything about MARKETING to be discussed. This is first part.
Follow it.

Top Sales Skills

12 Most Important Sales Skills

Read it and develop the skills.


15 Types of Toxic People-Avoid Them (Stoic Principles)

You can find priceless information which can help you to identify the toxic people and deal with them appropriately as you can no avoid toxic people in office, society and in life.


This site is developed and all articles are written by the site owner. Sales Skills contents are 100% original, articles created based on own experience and outcome of vast learning. You shall realize it when you shall read. No duplication, no AI generated articles used.


Innovative Ideas, Part 2
Examples of developing Innovative Ideas

Many things happen around us daily and most of us look at it on the surface. Try to think differently and one day you can be an example of an innovative thinker.


Innovative Ideas -Part 1
How To Develop Innovative Ideas?

I captured the topic in two articles. I believe you shall enjoy reading it and start practicing it.

There are hundreds of Blogs on every subject. Then why this blog? Reasons are-
Articles in this blog are specific to Indian salespeople’s needs.
Articles are not for experts but for common salespeople who need to learn many things in a little time available for self-development.
I take utmost care that the language should be as simple as we speak which is easy to read, understand and imbibe.
Examples are practical which we used to see beside us.
Instead of following many blogs and lost; one can stick to one blog for his/her all needs.

How To Be A Consultative Seller

How To Be A Consultative Seller ?

I explained what is consultative selling in Part-1. This is Part-2 on consultative selling article where you shall find how to be a consultative seller.

consultative selling picture

What is Consultative Selling ?

It is important for every sales person to understand what is consultative selling for creating his/her own value. Here you can find big picture explained in detail. Read it.

Learn from Street1

You Can Learn Corporate Lessons From Street

Learn how you can expand your learning just with a mindful observation from the street vendors and people work in unorganised sector. It is explained in this article as revelation and rest on your knack.

Visit this blog frequently for new posts on Sales Skills.
Unique blog, because written in simple English & simple to understand of the complicated subjects.
Your comments and suggestions will encourage me.

Skillset Development

How you can make yourself fit for your job ?
Individual’s Transformation

Different Positions Require Different Skills. It is different skills and not only higher level of same skills. You may find some eye opener in this article. Rest on you.

Nature B-School

Leadership Learning From Pujas and Festivals
Nature’s B-School

Did you realise ever that you unknowingly used a lot of corporate skills at a very young age to organise the festivals and you did it successfully? Also, you enriched those skills while enjoying organising the puja, festivals and cultural events. Read this article to find the most vital 15 skills you already had before entering B-Schools or your professional life.
Read this article to find the most vital 15 skills you already had before entering B-Schools or your professional life.

Office Communication

Office Communication

Explained all typical aspects of Office communication, dos and don'ts and how to make effective, high impactful communication.

Office Politics

Learn How to Deal with Office Politics

Office Politics – is it good or Bad? Learn how to tackle negative politics and people. How to engage people doing positive politics which is important for your and organisation’s success.

10 Ps of sales

10 Ps of Sales

Every salesperson should follow some discipline to achieve success and it starts with the learning of 10 most critical skills and/or quality one should have.

Four Stories icon

Four Stories on Customer Satisfaction (Part-2)

Stories are always interesting as well as easy to remember as it touches heart. As a story writer I often use this technique inn office communication, articles and you can find a lot in this blog.

Balancing Customer Satisfaction

How to Achieve High Level Of Customer's Satisfaction (Part-1) ?

Art & Science of Balance Services
This article explained how to achieve high level of customer's satisfaction for the company by balancing services. Read this and part 2 (to be post soon) also.

I purposefully do not read/consult any source for information when I write an article. The reason is that can destroy my style and it can be one more boring article. I am sure you feel it when you read.


Leadership Myth

Thus article is for you if you already bored reading leadership gyans.

Essential Sales Skills
Essential Sales Skills

All essential sales skills explained in simple manner.
Negotiation Skills logo

Professional Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is most important part of selling and sales man should be expert of it. Explained the complete process and tricks here.

Each of the Articles is written for 5 minutes read time. For in-depth understanding, it can take 10 minutes.

Sales Fundamental Link
Explained all Sales Fundamental Terminologies, at start point of SALES SKILLS training, easy to understand manner. You shall surely enjoy reading it.
Sales Fundamental more tips
Explained several other terminologies and tips covering almost all fundamentals matters.
Read it and comment also.

Hope you read all articles. Visit every week for new article. Do not hesitate to express your view.

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